If you’ve been paying attention to the research we conduct and the educational information we share, you know that AIIM describes Intelligent Information Management (IIM) as all the things you want to do with, or get from, your organization’s information. We break these up into five key categories of actions or aspirations.
Obviously, there aren’t hard boundaries between any of these – they are dynamic and overlapping – but isolating them helps us drill down into their unique characteristics and capabilities. It also helps identify the skills and the solutions required to achieve the business objectives they enable.
The first IIM category is all about your content – creating it, capturing it, and collaborating with it. We often refer to this as the onramp for the downstream processes that follow. Get this step right, and the subsequent IIM steps will become easier. The goal of this stage is a flexible and modular approach that utilizes content and information wherever and whenever it is needed, independent of where it is stored. As we pursue this objective, it helps to analyze our current state and maturity level against these two key questions:
- Do you use artificial intelligence to help automatically process and categorize incoming information in all forms as it enters the organization? And do you automatically extract the data and information that is necessary to initiate or drive core business processes? This set of capabilities is commonly known as Intelligent Capture.
- Do you have an explicit strategy and systems to encourage collaboration, especially across virtual workforces and organizational boundaries? These are the ideal attributes of a Digital Workplace that leverages Organizational Intelligence.
Let’s take a deeper look at these capabilities to see how changing business drivers are impacting their application. Then, with help from contributors in the chapters that follow, we’ll see how your peers in a variety of industries are pivoting to meet these new challenges and rising to new levels of content management excellence.