SignatureXpert.AI: Vote-By-Mail Automated Signature Verification
Parascript Solutions for Election Systems
Automated Signature Verification for Vote-By-Mail
The most common method employed to ensure that each vote is legitimate is the use of signature match or review whereby each signature on a submitted ballot is compared with signatures on voter records to determine authenticity. In the majority of elections that use vote-by-mail or absentee ballots, signatures are reviewed manually. This causes problems not only in the time and resources required, but also with the ability to reliably compare signatures due to staff who are not always comprehensively trained and with claims that the verification process can be politically manipulated.
Automated Signature Verification (ASV) provides a solution to this problem. Parascript ASV machine learning-based software takes one or more reference signatures from voter records and compares them with the signature on the ballot to determine authenticity. The process takes less than a second for each ballot. It also produces results that are not only more reliable than results achieved with even well-trained staff, but are consistent and tamper-proof. Even if signatures look different due to changes over time, the software can adapt – looking at key, proven, hard-to-detect characteristics.
SignatureXpert.AI for Vote-By-Mail
SignatureXpert.AI is Parascript’s award-winning software that uses a number of machine learning techniques to provide the industry’s highest level of accuracy when it comes to automating the complex process of signature verification for elections. SignatureXpert.AI can identify when a signature is authentic even if there is significant variation between signatures on a ballot and those in a voter registration database. Our software allows for the most comprehensive and intelligent analysis of signature characteristics while taking into consideration the random variations that occur in signatures to ensure reliable results.
Strategic White Paper
How Automated Signature Verification Supports Efficient, Reliable Vote-by-Mail
While “no-excuses” vote-by-mail is offered by thirty-six states and five states have moved to 100% vote-by-mail, there still exists a reluctance to move completely to a vote-by-mail process. Some of this reluctance is based on tradition while another is driven by concerns over security and reliability.
In the process to adopt vote-by-mail, there are many aspects to consider to ensure that processes involved produce the highest level of reliability. There is a technology solution to address the issues of security and reliability called Automated Signature Verification (ASV) fully explored in this white paper.
The key factors explored in these pages are as follows:
Challenges of Signature Verification including signature matching
Automated Signature Verification (ASV) and its uses
The Science Behind ASV including elements, analysis and neural networks
Verifying ASV Results for Vote-By-Mail

Study Confirms ASV Accuracy
A recent study in a Colorado county has confirmed the accuracy of SignatureXpert and SignatureXpert.AI for use in vote-by-mail systems. After envelopes were scanned and signatures were processed, the signatures were either accepted or rejected and sent to a human for review based on whether or not they met a predefined operating point. In this study summary, the results of both SignatureXpert and SignatureXpert.AI are compared.
Petition Automation
Parascript provides data extraction, address validation and signature identification and authentication on petitions including hand-printed data. The software can count the number of entries, extract the name information and validate the associated address against voter record data. As an additional guard against petition fraud, Parascript software automatically identifies the existence of a signature and then checks it against voter signature data

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