Intelligent character recognition (ICR)—or handprint recognition—focuses on transcribing the...
Handwriting Recognition
OCR | ICR Recognition Software 101
The Basics When discussing capture and recognition in document processing, a few fundamental...
Dark Data Is Everywhere, But How Accessible Is It?
Dark data is simultaneously everywhere and challenging to access. For the past several years,...
Capturing Dark Data and Handwritten Information as Part of Your Information Governance Process
In today’s vast digital world, organizations are scrambling to better control information to meet...
What is the Difference between OCR and ICR?
There are a lot of abbreviations and market-speak when it comes to the variety of...
4 Common Misleading Myths about ICR
According to the recent AIIM research “Shedding Light on the Dark Data in your Document Capture...
Shedding Light on the Dark Data in your Document Capture Processes [Infographic]
AIIM just released a new infographic that highlights findings from the Parascript-sponsored...
Can I use ICR on PDF Documents?
Most, if not all, PDF documents that come across your computer probably contain only...
Behind the Curtain of Handwritting Recognition
Something that comes-up from time to time is the question "how accurate is your handwriting...