Document Imaging Report Breaking News on Parascript

Sep 15, 2015

Document Imaging Report (DIR) Editor Ralph Gammon interviews the Parascript team about the Ultimate Document Challenge, and an excerpt of the article is provided below. Click here for the full article.

“When Parascript launched its new auto-classification technology earlier this summer, it did so with the plan of targeting a new market. Parascript sees a tremendous opportunity in e-governance—especially in the SMB. As with any new market, however, going after this space is going to require some pioneering on Parascript’s part.

Parascript has started its search for new customers by launching what it is billing as the “Ultimate Document Challenge.” “We are looking for a poster child where lack of knowledge about information has led to a lack of e-governance capabilities,” said Greg Council, VP of marketing and product management at Parascript. “We’ve gathered use cases and have engaged with some companies, so we are starting to formulate what we think the average use case for Document Classification 2.0 might be.

“We view the Ultimate Document Challenge as half promotion and half proof-of-concept. We want to see some more profiles of problems that customers are having. And we’re not talking about problems involving millions of documents. We’re talking SMB problems. We want to prove to SMBs that they can use document classification too.

“When you consider document classification and e-governance—everybody knowns there are problems. But, a lot of people are on the sidelines when it comes to utilizing technology to fix it. That’s because they either aren’t aware of a solution or believe they aren’t a good fit for what’s out there. We are putting our software where our mouth is and want to show it can work.”

The Ultimate Document Challenge is open to anyone with a document problem involving more than 100,000 documents. There is an entry form available online that should take about 15 minutes to fill out. It asks questions about information governance requirements and findability issues. It also asks about document classes and make-up.

This document challenge is now closed.