Parascript eBook

Intelligent Document Processing Stack

This eBook provides a primer in intelligent document processing (IDP) technologies from the advent of capture to where it is today. It also addresses the differences between intelligent capture and Optical Character Recognition (OCR), when to use OCR and when to use intelligent capture, the interpretation methods and what matters most depending on your organization’s needs and objectives.

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Machine learning is an essential component in the most advanced intelligent capture. In this free eBook, techniques are reviewed that don’t require machine learning as well as when machine learning is best applied in intelligent document processing. Supervised and unsupervised learning as well as artificial neural networks are addressed.

Understanding each technology in the IDP stack applied to document preprocessing, data location and extraction as well as data verification provides the essence of what the intelligent document processing stack can be for your organization.

Building a customer IDP stack, buying out-of-the-box or leveraging off-the-shelf SDKs / APIs are also explored here. These options along with how to futureproof your document processing moving forward conclude this eBook.