What is OCR Software?

In basic terms, OCR software examines a scanned image and translates the text within it into a file that can be edited. The first OCR systems translated text into a single font and size only. Today’s ambitious programs attempt to duplicate not only the fonts but also complex layout features, such as columns, tables, headers […]

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3 Ideas to Optimize New Account Application Form Processing

“There’s no business like new business!” Or perhaps better said, “there’s no more expensive business than new business!” In most businesses, developing and onboarding new business takes a lot more effort than retaining or growing existing business. That’s part of the reason so much attention has been turned to customer loyalty, retention, and engagement. Regardless, […]

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Everything you Need to Know about Advanced Capture and Recognition

Getting started with a capture implementation can be overwhelming. Currently most companies with a document capture process are only taking a straight scan-to-archive approach. But with today’s advanced capture technology, there’s no reason to be manually classifying documents or re-keying data. Learning what to expect and what’s possible with advanced capture is key to a […]

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FormXtra Capture | Latest Features and Enhancements

We are very excited to announce the following new features and enhacements to our document capture and recognition software, FormXtra Capture, available now. Advanced Document Classification and Separation Allows identification of document and boundaries within a batch regadless of order, dramatically simplifying batch processing of mixed documents. This functionality supports capture needs such as mortgage […]

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Video | Automated Application Processing

Applications processing requires capture and recognition of complex forms. These often include sensitive data such as contact information – address, phone numbers, email addresses; personal information such as social security, date of birth and account numbers; and may include information such as security questions. Additionally, other documents usually accompany an application such as supporting documentation […]

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Is Handwriting Recognition for Real?

When there’s handwriting on a document, most people think they have to manually enter the information. There is a lot of skeptism regarding the accuracy of automated handwriting recognition and what the technology is actually capable of reading. OCR (Optical character recognition) is a well-known technology able to recognize machine print text with accuracy rates […]

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Form Design Enhancements to Maximize Capture and Recognition

Form design plays a critical role in the success of capture and recognition. Using the right design elements significantly impacts speed and improves accuracy rates, just as incorrectly designed forms result in increased manual processing.  While these days most forms are available online allowing users to fill out the information directly on the computer, there […]

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Why Document Classification Matters in Capture Software

A key component of capture and Intelligent Document Recognition (IDR) software is document classification. It allows automatic classification of all types of documents based on content or structure with minimal human intervention. Document content varies enormously and makes classification particularly challenging. Business documents can include anything from highly structured forms, such as applications, to highly […]

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Video: Process Documents and Checks with a Single Capture Solution

Parascript has been a recognized leader for check recognition in the financial services and banking industry. The company is a key technology supplier providing the powerful engine behind the best solution providers with the highest accuracy and exceptional read rates. This world-class check recognition engine is now available as part of Parascript’s Intelligent Document Recognition […]

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Automating Signature Verification on Absentee Ballots and Mail-In Votes

Since the most common form of identification used at the polls is a signature, many states and municipal governments are making a conscious effort to ensure that their processes include signature authentication. This can be an arduous and labor-intensive process.   Mail-in voting is proving to be an increasingly popular method of voting in the […]

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