Justice and California Flag

First AB1446, Now AB2778: New Legislative Rules and the Need for Technology Advancements in State Governing Agencies

In a pivotal move to address racial bias in California’s criminal legal system, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 2778 which mandates the implementation of “race-blind” charging practices by prosecuting agencies starting January 1, 2025. The new requirement involves redacting any information identifying the race of individuals involved in a criminal case.

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binary code

Why That “Simple Structured Form” Is So Hard to Process

Let me get the following statement out of the way before I begin my rant: most people have very little understanding of what IDP is let alone how to go about achieving great performance – and this includes many of the vendors you’re considering. Just sayin’. So now to that supposedly simple form you’re trying […]

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The Art of Handling Faxes within Healthcare

Fax machines – a relic of the mid-twentieth century yet they are still going strong due to the ease of use and relative security. Yet when it comes to fax machines within a document-oriented workflow, they present a significant impediment to automation. Nowhere is this more apparent than in healthcare where all manner of documents […]

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Ability to learn and improve with Parascript Smart Learning

Intelligent Document Processing: Pre-trained vs. User-trained

Quick, which animal is smarter?  If you selected the newborn baby. you’re right! And if you selected the newborn Gazelle, you’re right!  Ok, both assertions cannot possibly be correct…can they? After all. the human will ultimately be able to communicate and do things that the Gazelle could never do. But the Gazelle, as a newborn, […]

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