AIIM Report: Only 13% of Form Data is Being Extracted

Aug 5, 2013 | Parascript

AIIM just released the market watch report “Winning the Paper Wars – Capture the Content and Mobilize the Process Troops” where they explore the reasons why paper-free processes have been slow to be adopted.

Not surprisingly, the report shows that while 70% of businesses are scanning as part of their process, only 13% are using OCR to extract data from documents or forms for processing.

Even paper-heavy departments such as accounts payable are not taking advantage of data capture and recognition technology. They are scanning invoices simply to eliminate the paper but still need to rekey all the information.

This research is yet another testimony to the lack of adoption of data recognition and extraction technologies, even for the simplest, most-straightforward documents and processes. The result is that there is a tremendous cost in terms of efficiency, time, and data quality that could be avoided.

With mature document processing applications, such as invoice processing, many businesses can benefit from the great solutions with proven recognition technology currently in the market.

Head over to AIIM and download the report for yourself at the following link:

Need to arm yourself with more information to win the paper wars at your company? Download this AIIM report: “Forms Processing: User Experiences of Text and Handwriting Recognition (OCR/ICR)”