The Cost of Medical Snooping

Mar 4, 2014 | Claims and Insurance

A new HIMSS healthcare security just came out that identifies the very real risk of HIPAA non-compliance by healthcare staff (you can find a nice article summarizing the report here).

The penalty in terms of fines for health-related security breaches is quite severe at around $810,000. In another report, 61% of healthcare organizations reported a security breach, loss of data, or unexpected downtime. That’s a real problem.

As a result, many organizations are increasing their security budgets and are focusing on access control and access logging. These are two HIPAA requirements.

But what about securing patient data resident on patient records in the first place? And what about securing patient data on forms used by medical coding and billing service providers? Is there any way to get control of this information, secure it, and still actually use it?

Parascript designed its FormXtra product around both data quality AND data security. Not only can FormXtra locate, identify, and protect patient data on a field level for both text and handwritten information, but it can also manage the data quality process by a concept known as snippet-based data validation. Using this capability, service providers would only be able to access information at the field-level and health organizations can stipulate that sensitive information be specifically handled by certain staff. Going even further, a patient’s health information can be distributed to different individuals such that no single person gets a complete view of a patient. For instance, social security numbers can go to one set of staff, addresses to another, and medical data to yet a another group.

With the built-in capabilities to locate, identify, and protect patient data during or after the capture process, FormXtra can be a significant asset for supporting HIPAA requirements.

See it in action: